Is Central Sensitisation the Missing Link in Long-COVID? [Goudman et al.2021]

Journal of Clinical Medicine published recent research by Goudman and colleagues on central sensitisation in an online survey among 567 Belgian Long-COVID patients. Central sensitisation is an amplification of neural signalling within the central nervous system that elicits pain hypersensitivity. The study shows the presence of central sensitisation symptoms in over 70% of the Long-COVID patients providing much-needed insights into the etiology and treatment opportunities. 

The article is available via 


HELICON is funded by the Belgian Federal Science Policy (BELSPO) through the BRAIN-be 2.0 (2018-2023) programme.

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Information sheet for participants: EN • NL • FR

Project coordinator

Prof. dr. Brecht Devleesschauwer

Sciensano, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Service Health Information